Contacts stories
A company made of stories
The story of a company is similar to a novel. The characters are essential for a story to be engaging, and it’s the same with a company. Yes, this isn’t just a blank contact form. Here in Flyingstories, we believe that stories are at the core. So let’s go to explore the whole team.

In 2017, when the first Flyingstories project Souls Alive started, Daniele Frau was looking outside his window. It was a sunny day in Dubai (how could it’ve been different?), and he was back from one of his long travels in the US. So, he decided to start writing a story of Souls from souls point of view. Daniele, as he said in a recent interview, explains his role in Flyingstories this way:

I’m a content creator. I think a storyteller is everyone that has a story to tell, but writing something unique is the job of a professional writer. I want to write something that makes a difference and in Flyingstories I feel we’re doing it right.
Stories of Ralph and Gabriele
Ralph is a computer expert, but his passion always resided in radio and radio speaking. He always supported Flyingstories, even from far away. While Daniele was thinking about it in the desert, a few thousand kilometres from there, Ralph was working inside his brand new shop, Artstudiolab. He lives and works in paradise on Earth, the wonderful sea of Patti, Sicily.

It was a rainy day when Daniele called Gabriele Manca, owner of DMQ Productions. No, maybe it wasn’t raining, but we like to mock him since he’s the only one living in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Gabriele is an incredible human being with a degree in a circus academy. He is a fantastic illustrator and, as he likes to be called, a “herald of art”. He collaborates with theatrical companies as a performer and, furthermore, as a scenographer.

The story of Kateryna
We couldn’t forget our engine, Kateryna. Without her, it would have been impossible to print two books in two languages in about 5 years and with a pandemic in the middle. She gave us the insight we were searching for to start being noticed and the style and support at every step.

Yes, the adventure with Flyingstories has been challenging at times, but the passion remained intact. New ideas are coming, together with new books and new services. In 2021, thanks to the collaboration with Ben Upson, we won the Outstanding production for the audiobook Nodo the chairs’ mover in New York.
If you wish to, you can listen Flyingstories channel on YouTube for our contents in English and Italian, completely for free.
Our services
The Flyingstories team works every day to give fresh and free content to its readers.
We also offer many services for privates and companies:

Original contents in Italian and English for the topics of education, travel, automotive and technology specifically designed to be SEO friendly all plagiarism free.

Thanks to our international team, we can translate your content into Italian, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. If you need assistance in creating your story and translating it so the world will read it, you are in the right place.
Website creation

Ready to impress the whole world with your great ideas? Let everyone know you are out there! Together with Art Studio Lab, we can help you develop a customisable website like Flyingstories.
Professional layout

Last but not least, we offer you the most valuable of all services if you have already your novel ready and you need to publish it. We’re speaking about a professional book layout prepared to be printed or sent to Amazon kindle publishing.
Share your story!

If you want to collaborate with us as a contributor or translator, or if you’re interested on our services please use our contact form below.
Or check our Instagram and Facebook page.
Imagine, if you can!