Tag: read for free

Una ragazza la farà finita.

A girl with a shotgun A sixteen-year-old girl stands in front of him, her smoking gun still in her hands. She looks at him with an inquisitive face. “Y-yes, thank you. I don’t know what that old woman wanted from me.” “Can I have an autograph, please?” “S-sure, young...

Il Gatto

A Cat’s decision “Mrs. Babu, it’s your turn to speak.” “Thank you, Woman- Chief of the Parliament of the People. I have a question for Mr Svanzoni, a rhetorical one. Why we should help those people? Do we have to do it because they’re human beings? But they’re not,...

Mimi giapponesi

Lost in metro This is part 2, read part 1 first! This time, I have an excuse, and a good one: I’m super tired, and in this metro, they write only in ancient Japanese writing. And as you can guess, I know about the Japanese language as Japanese people...

Uccidi gli Alieni!

The aliens matter “Gentlemen and ladies.” Started the Head. The whole Parliament got quiet at once, for curiosity more than out of simple fear or respect for him. You could listen only to the purring of the Head’s cat. “We are here reunited today to speak about the aliens’...

La caduta, Ritorna al futuro

Only now, that I fall from the clouds, I understand the real meaning of my life. It isn’t just a shape, but it is a shape of life, alive, this fall. I’m a comet, a message, an epiphany that won’t ever be recorded in any storybooks. A fall from...

Schegge di legno e schegge di gatto

They call him the cat Each step is a key for heels. When you go down the stairs, the steps seem all the same. It doesn’t matter if your legs are long or short. What really matters is the rhythm. 33,34, 35. <<Right, here we are.>> You’re never at...

Il venditore di anime

How a dealer can be so soul-less? Everything, from the air melted in the wind to the water gurgling in the sink, is removed- closed- sold- closed again and resold by a dealer. In this case, a dealer of souls. After all these steps, the first purpose is lost;...